Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Gardens***Greeter-Mac***1998-2012

Mac Loved His Job!

 The decision to get a puppy and make the commitment is never an easy one.  But if you end up as blessed and lucky as I have been to have a Mac in your life you will experience no greater love than the love from your pooch.    Out of the 10 puppies in the litter  we selected Libby, the runt female, which Ben always felt were the smartest, and she was!  We had no intention of leaving with two puppies, but Mac (named after the Mac truck) fought his way to the edge of the group and made sure that he got noticed, HE had made HIS choice and  made sure that we were not going home without him!   I am so glad that he did!  Some dogs are feisty and hyper, some more quiet than others.  Some dogs are naughty, some very obedient, some are smart, some not too bright!  But Mac, was PERFECT.   
His personality and gentle old soul endeared him to anyone that stopped to pet him.

 Was Mac a typical puppy?, yes!!  After 14 years you forget about years 0-2, believe me he had his moments, but he did not like getting into trouble so they were few and far between!  (I hate to say it, but his sister Libby, instigated most of the trouble that he got into)   I had left Mac and Libby in the house alone one day for only about an hour when they were about 9-months old.  We had a huge picture window and as I was walking to the front door, up pops Mac in the window with stuffing coming out of both sides of his mouth.  I actually kind of laughed to myself as it looked alot like a scene from a cartoon, and how bad could it be, a pillow maybe?!!!!  Nope, the whole side of our couch.  Apparently they were having a ball without me.  The couch was actually pulled half way into the livingroom and stuffing was everywhere!  I had always told them after that day, they were lucky that Ben was on the road as I wasn't sure if they would have lived to see there first year through! 

We called Mac the U-F dog (for underfoot).  Wherever Ben went Mac was right behind him.  He slept on the floor right next to Ben's side of the bed, so he would know if he was trying to sneak off without him.  If Ben was in his chair, Mac was right there, usually asleep ON his feet.  He knew when it was time to empty the trash, go out and water or make the daily run to the bank and the post office. If Ben left without him, Mac would sit in the yard for hours waiting for him.  He would hear the diesel pickup coming down the road and Mac knew that it was Ben.  He loved going for a ride and Mac LOVED Ben.  When Ben was in the hospital and after he died, Mac would wait on the back porch until well after dark waiting for him to come home.  I will never forget the day that I started the pickup after Ben was gone, and Mac came running around the side of the barn, I know that he expecting to see Ben.   It took him a few weeks but he became my U-F dog, and I was amazed he switched spots and started to lay on the floor by me every night when I laid on the couch, every once in awhile lifting his head to look at me to be sure I hadn't snuck off!  After Libby died, Mac went through a little bit of a rebellious stage, after all he had just lost his best friend in Ben and now his littermate, so sad.

You would have thought we opened Summer Gardens just for Mac.  He loved his job and he took it very seriously!  I would call him the doormat.  On a warm summer day, he would be stretched out in front of the door catching a breeze, a snooze, and keeping one eye open for anyone that would pull up to greet him.  When we first opened and he got the hang of what was going on, he would get up from his post and leave the shop, go down to the car say hi, show them the way, and then as his new found friends were making there way to the store he would come in and just stand and look at me.  Well, I got the hang of that and knew that whenever he came to the checkout counter customers were surely on their way in.  
He loved all of you!  And thank you for all of the years that you stepped over him to get out of the shop because you didn't want to disturb him!  At the end of the weekend, I would take the sign in and close up shop.  Many an evening I would look out the window and Mac would be sitting by the barn door hoping that someone would still be coming.  I think he actually knew when Friday rolled around and he could start his three day job again.
One week ago today, Mac became ill and he died here at home on July 30, the day before my birthday.  Since Ben and Libby's passing I cannot tell you how grateful I have been to have my buddy.  (I think in a way, he wanted me to start my new year fresh as we had been through so much together this past 8 months) He has helped me through a very difficult time and I think that he held onto life a little bit longer just for me.  Everyday I made sure to let him know he was my best friend and that he was the most wonderful and special dog I could have ever hoped for.  

There will never be another dog like him.  I will really miss my Bustabrownie!

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